Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 8, 2016

top 10 tourist destinations France

France always is in the list of most visited countries in the world. Easy to understand when here always welcomes visitors the tourist pilgrimage to France with wine, fine cuisine and the romantic landscape. From the magnificent place to rural setting ... where also brings a strange suction power. Here are the top 10 most beautiful places, was in France.

1. The Valley of Loire 

castles and luxury villas Loire highlights with the natural beauty and "the collection" the castles and luxury villas, beautiful "long table". Come here to contemplate a France in the tales.

2. Mont Saint-Michel 

Mont Saint-Michel Just behind the Eiffel Tower, Mont Saint-Michel is considered the most beautiful place to enjoy the views. The beautiful island of mesmerizing li Benidictine monastery with gothic style, medieval villages and the winding roads winding.

 3. Côte d Azur

Côte d Azur The South-Eastern coast of the Mediterranean with green Beach attracts many pilgrims travel, celebrities, artists, including Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse.

 4. Giverny 

Giverny Giverny as a gentle country songs but King makes you will never forget once you've arrived. You will appear in front of a painting of water lilies with green, Willow drooping over water, on either side of the River as the boat House pink.

 5. Versailles 

Versailles Located on the outskirts of Paris, Versailles is an important administrative centre and attracts pilgrims travel right proud of it. The Palace was decorated with elaborately crafted garden provincially will render you uttered relentlessly.

6. Annecy, the Alps Annecy, the Alps 
Even in winter or summer, the Alps still always be many tourists to visit tourist pilgrimage by the side of the ski resort, where there is the picturesque town. This place is considered the most photogenic place France. 
7. Champagne-Ardenne
Champagne-Ardenne This is the birthplace of wine attractive champagne for France with endless vineyards. In addition gorgeous scenery where it will make the travel of pilgrims from the middle ages are back with the castles and ancient churches.
 8. Strasbourg 
Strasbourg Located right on the border of Germany and France, this world heritage city carries all characteristics of mixed 2 countries. It really is a picturesque town, lawyers appealing the world over, the hospitality and the beautiful tourist pilgrimage.
 9. Bordeaux 
Bordeaux Cities with more than 350 historical monuments including the Cathedral and the Castle carrying the gothic this deserves to be put on the World Heritage list the world's most attractive. One of the most attractive places that is Bordeaux Quartier Saint-Eloi. 
10. the Gorges du Verdon 
Gorges du Verdon You will see sunsets by the wild beauty of the Canyon with turquoise waters where the bottom area.

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