Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 8, 2016

top 10 places to travel Australia

Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, proudly around him always have the breath of the sea. Since then, though the continent is closer to the South Pole but not terribly climate coldness, rather as the warm sea air enclosed BBQ seafood couldn't more of great variety and tasty fresh to serve tourists in Australia. Stride across the city of Sydney sometimes caught whales to glide his image performing right before the eye, closer than ever as well no longer weird l?m with the inhabitants of this place. Nature and humans are very near by the majestic buildings nestled in the shade of the trees radiate. It is Australia! The time needed for a trip to refresh the soul, go to travel Australia do this for you and your family! One thing you will ask is the season would travel to Australia will most beautiful, pleasant climate for Vietnamese for?! The youngest globe has 4 seasons contrast completely with you, so if you want to go see the golden leaves fall virus ancient universities or the afternoon sunset warmth indispensable for the couple love each other the same spot the Kangaroo side of sunset or the tulip Festival enough colors on floating jewelry for your partnership agreement his cameras then invite you to visit Australia in November-December. At the moment, Australia into new currency!

10. Adelaide. 

The capital of South Australia is the fifth-largest city with over 1.2 million people. The city is located on of land between the hills. Adelaide is renowned for the architectural works of the ancient Christian admirably. In addition, this is the city the cost of living is lower in comparison with the Sydney and Melbourne.

 9. Darwin. 

Vast stretches of coastline in Darwin for endless visitors like to enjoy fresh, green sea. Darwin was dubbed the "international country" by the land north of this least-get the look and superior services for tourists all over Europe with 5 reasonable prices. In addition, Darwin is located near the sea port and other countries became the international shipping!

 8. Hobart 

The capital of the island of Tasmania, the only continent and is considered the second stock spectrum after Sydney. The only body part of Australia located near about Antarctica-climate should carry sea will experience not to be missed for tropical people we are not! Typical is the Salamace Place has a temperate oceanic climate and all 4 seasons.

7. Brisbane 

The capital of the State of Queenland is the third largest city after Sydney and Melbourne. Brisbane has warm year round climate, beautiful landscapes with the locals extremely peaceful and hospitable. Brisbane is the place where the native Australian afternoon coming from other cities that still is my favorite places so many international visitors "fastidious".

6. Perth

Location of South Australia's coastline and most loved, is the capital of Western Australia. Perth is separated completely with other dynamic cities, is not affected by the growing too quickly, Perth has personality and unique private walkway to make older atmosphere has thousands of years of ancient populated by climate and "fun-loving" from the people.

5. Melbourne 

Are obviously Top the list of the cities worth living in the world five times voted constantly, Melbourne proud by the dynamic development of economy, population, but preserve its ancient city a harmonious, not rush. I wonder, does not know when his hometown Saigon will be like this! Coming to Melbourne you don't forget to visit all the national ecological garden is viewed as this country's culture.

 4. Cairns 

Cairns has a tropical climate but not snotty and intermixed by smoke and dust pollution should feel incredibly comfortable for visitors. Therefore, Cairns is one of the most popular travel destinations in second place in the world. Cairns is a city but is a very stylish city with diverse strains of wild species for tourists wanting to explore.

3. Alice Spring 

Located in the heart of Australia, Alice Springs attract tourists by the Canyon has many caves, boundless desert landscapes, remote Aboriginal communities and a history of admirable pioneers to learn. Tourist attractions such as Uluru/Ayers Rock, Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) and Kings Canyon. Since the beginning of the boom in travel in the ' eighty, the population has increased dramatically to where it is no longer a secluded countryside of the Kingdom!

2. Great Barrier Reef 

The majestic coral reefs for second place this world is one of the rendezvous point to the arrival of the explorers under the oceans or the category "scuba" diving for tourists to visit the Queenland. Life through the period of millions of years with more than 2.900 coral reefs and hundreds of Islands with more than a million living species strain it has put Great Berrier Reef up into one of the most beautiful sights of Australia because of the racial diversity of marine species living in the world.

1. Sydney 

One of the locations in the world known to more Canberra Theatre "Oysters". Sydney also the charm by the most dynamic economy is the beauty of the glass neck by long history from every time the past year population lived near the port. The witness of history takes visitors to Sydney is Sydney Harbour Bridge (Sydney Harbor Bridge) and the Sydney Opera House. Sydney sights you don't forget to visit the welcome the baby Koala at the animal park extremely adorable!

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