Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 8, 2016

top 10 places to travel Japanese

Hi guys, I'm a person who likes to travel, travel makes life interesting and more fun after the stress of work time, today I will travel with you to Japan, Japan is the country that has special culture the same journey interesting history. In addition to the cultural and economic centers such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto or the familiar landscapes such as Mount Fuji, the ice in Hokkaido, Okinawa marine, ... travel Japan also still points to the incredible historic landmarks as well as spellbinding beauty. The Japanese are hardworking, diligence and discipline has created monumental buildings and preserving nature for Board creator. 10 interesting Japanese tourist to discover the wonderful country

1. Horyuji Buddhist populations

A corner horyuji
Are recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site in 2003, the complex of Buddhist architecture Horyuji is the national security of Japan in the Nara. Among the works in this population, the most remarkable is the Temple of Horyuji (France Long education) has some of the oldest wooden buildings in the world, and the Hokkiji temple with a statue of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara 11.

2. Castle Himeji (Himeji-jo)

Himeji Castle
Himeji Castle is one of the most important destination of travel to Japan, is located in the city of Himeji in Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji Castle architectural blocks was a converted from an ancient fortress. Himeji is considered the model of a Japanese Castle architecture, was completely intact over the bombing in the second world war and the Kobe earthquake.

3. The island of Yakushima (Cuu Island Snail)

Ancient temperate forest in Yakushima
Yakushima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture. This island has a rich animal food and carpet has been recognized by UNESCO as world natural heritage. Especially Yakushima has remnants of a ancient temperate forests is particularly valuable. Each year more than 300,000 Japanese tourists love nature visit this island.

4. the cluster of ruins of ancient Kyoto

The ancient city of Kyoto and the nearby area covering a vast region today includes the city of Kyoto, Uji and Otsu. The points come in clusters of ancient ruins Kyoto is an integral part for any cruise travel Japan. Specifically, when visiting the ancient city of Kyoto you will discover: 14 Buddhist temples including Kyogokoku-ji (Toji Temple) Temple, Kiyomizu-dera, Daigo Temple, Temple, Enryaku Ninna, Byodo-in Temple, Zen Kozan, MOSS Temple pagoda, Temple, Tenryu Saiho Rokuon (Golden Kinkaku Temple), Jisho pagoda (Chua Ginkakuji-silver), Temple of Nishi Hongan Temple, Ryoan; 3 Shinto temples include: Kamigamo shrine, Shimogamo shrine, Ujigami shrine; and 1 is Nijo castle. In it, the most prominent is the temple Kiyomizu with wooden architecture on high, Kinkaku Temple was covered with the leaves made of pure gold, Ryoanji temple with rock garden and Temple, Kozanji meditation style is located deep in the jungle with the nation's security.
5. the historic villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama

The two villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama is located in neighboring areas two and Japan's Toyama Gifu. Value contributions to travel Japanese version of two of this village not only in village surroundings and peaceful fields, but also the unique architecture with two thatched roofs form as the hands are pieced together the prayer again. The buildings here look simple but sturdy, can withstand the weight of snow close to winter in this area.
6. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial-Genbaku Dome (atomic bomb Dome)

The Atomic dome Genbaku Dome
It comes to Japan one cannot not know up to two atomic bombs have struck this country during the second world war. The city of Hiroshima, where the heavy influence of the atomic bomb, now has become a popular tourist destination of tourism for Japan. One of the main attractions of this city is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial to the atomic bomb Dome Genbaku Dome. This is the only buildings remaining in the area near the location of exploding bombs.

7. Itsukushima

The torii gate at Miyajima
Located in the island of Miyajima in Hiroshima Prefecture, Itsukushima (also known as the God of Itsukushima Township) is the Shinto works critical of the Japanese tourist, famous for its giant torii gate. This torii gate landscape awash in sea water front mount Misen of Miyajima Island is one of the 3 most beautiful scene of Japan.  

8. the cluster of ruins of ancient city Nara


Buddha statue in the world's largest Daibutsu in Todaiji Temple
Cluster of monuments located in Nara, Nara Province today, including 8 points to: 5 Buddhist temple, Todai temple include: Kofuku Temple, Yakushi Temple and Toshodai Temple, Gango; 1 Shinto shrine is Kasuga shrine; 1 the Palace is Heijo-Royal Palace of Nara; and the Kasugayama primeval forest is 1. The most prominent of which is the Todaiji Temple.

 9. the cluster of temples at Nikko


Shinkyo And Bridge
Clusters of Nikko's travel Japan includes 103 buildings and nature located in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture. The location is in the Shinto shrine and Futarasan is 2 Toshogu along with Buddhist pagoda Rinnoji is 1. Among the works there are 3 most prominent works is the curved wooden bridge in Shinkyo and Futarasan Tower 5, floor, and Sanbutsudo Toshogu in Gojunoto (also known as Sando) Rinnoji temple with statues in Buddha and Guanyin was pinned by leaves of pure gold.  

10. Buddhist monuments Cluster Buddhism pure land of Hiraizumi


Located in Iwate, the ruins of Hiraizumi tourism Japan includes 5 location: Chuson Temple, Temple, Muryoko Temple, Kanjizaio Motsu and mount Kinkeisan. The most prominent of which is the Temple of the yellow Lounge Chusonji Konjikido, Tomb containing the mummy of the Northern Fujiwara clan chieftain. This Hall building made entirely of wood, was decorated with pure gold leaf panels and. Wish you happy travel

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